Monday, October 22, 2007

The Final Hours

Well here I sit. a sleep deprived man. We got to the hospital last night for the induction that is to occur today. Had laughs with family. Then we tried to sleep, and well I really mean tried. The monitor kept getting moved so not much sleep was had.

I remember laying on the bed/couch and praying for God's protection and safety for my wife and baby. For things to go smoothly.......... I remember getting some sleep but i also know I didn't get much as I'm tired and emotional.

Tears of joy, fear, and tiredness are welling up behind my eyes. Its scary knowing that the last nine months of anticipation is about to come to life. I know its been more real for my wife, but well for me the dad its hard as you see the changes the tiredness and the emotions. You see ultrasounds and the lot, but its just not real until the little one comes on the scene.

My wife has been a trooper as she hasn't had much sleep lately. I know so because I have slept but not restfully.

Hopefully in a few short hours I'll know what it means to be a dad, to love my daughter, to care for her, to met her needs. To know more what it means that we are a child of God, it will in the end show me more and more what it means when the Bible compares God as a father.

I best be going as the time for things to start nears......


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